Welcome to KPX250.com
A site for current and future owners of the Lifan KPX 250 Dual sport motorcycle. We will discuss specs, maintenance, and upgrades.
We are not affiliated with Lifan, or any motorcycle company, but simply a fan site of the Lifan KPX 250.
Any motorcycle parts or motorcycles listed on this page are listed simply for affiliate purposes and proceeds go towards the operation of the website.
If you’re here because your saw two guys with kpx250.com on their helmets in your town, that whole trip is documented over at our Youtube Channel.
Check out the Accessories, Buy one from one of our listed dealers, or just check-out the Specs/Faq!
Don’t forget to hit up our Facebook group for any questions and as always, with any of the Chinese motorcycles, thank you to ChinaRiders.net for their wealth of knowledge!